Category Archives: Website

Guild/PSA Competition 1, Sunday, November 1, 2020

Hello Everyone,
This announcement is to let you know the ‘Upload page’ is now open and ready to receive your beautiful entries.

The Guild/PSA competition will be judged online by a team of judges, and the results will be shown on November 1st, including the images chosen from each category to represent the club in PSA Interclub competitions!

So now is the time to get busy, choose the images you will use and upload them to the website before 11:45 PM on the 18th of October.

The definitions for each category are on page 12, sections 12 of the PGNS Bluebook, if you have questions, or you can email me if you need to.

And the Guild Assignment #1 description is… ”Should display a sense of motion”.

So there you have it….get busy, and let’s see what you have been up to!

Viki Gaul
PSA Club Rep