Warblers and other Songbirds Field Trip
Leader: T. Boswell
Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024 (If significant rain is forecasted, the trip will be cancelled without a rain-date.)
Time: 9am to noonish
Location: Meet at the front gate at 9am
Jerry Lawrence Provincial Park
4775 St. Margaret’s Bay Road
Upper Tantallon
Jerry Lawrence Provincial Park
The park does not open until May 17th so we will meet at the gate. If, by chance, the park opens earlier, follow the road to a parking lot on the left next to a grassy area with picnic tables. It is a 1km walk from the gate to the park and approximately 1.5km loop around the park. The total distance, with a few side trails, will be about 5km. The main trails are easy but some may be muddy.
Warblers and other songbirds are difficult to photograph as they rarely sit still. Hopefully, the leaves will not be fully out, allowing us better views of the birds.
• appropriate footwear for wet trails
• rain gear unless of course, there is 0% chance of rain
• water, snacks/lunch
• insect repellent
• rain protection for your equipment
• longest lens you can carry – at least 200mm but more is better
• binoculars, if you have them
• PGNS Field Trip Waiver is mandatory. See the website sidebar for a link to the form.
• Field Trip is limited to 8 members. Please register by sending us a message via the “Contact Us“.