Meeting at 10 am in the parking lot for Hirtle’s Beach at 318 Hirtle Beach Road in Kingsburg, Lunenburg County. (There are two outhouses at the parking lot which are open.) Please note if you are travelling from Lunenburg on Route 332 there is a detour that will take you along Indian Path Road. It is well marked. The beach is about 3 kilometers long. Gaff Point Trail starts at the west end of the beach. The trail is of moderate difficulty so not everyone may wish to hike the trail which is fine. The trail is well marked. I will be hiking the trail and folks are welcome to tag along with me if they prefer.
Low tide will be at 1.43 p m.
Information about Hirtle’s Beach and Gaff Point Trail is available on several websites including: Lunenburg, all trails and natureconservancy.
I plan to pack a lunch. Alternatively, the Rose Bay Store and Bistro at 3452 Highway 332 is about a ten-minute drive from the Beach. You may wish to stop there on the way to the Beach. As you come along Highway 332, the store is a stone’s throw beyond the intersection where you turn right onto the Kingsburg Road.
We are planning to wrap up no later than 5 pm so folks have time to get home for Peter Steeper’s seminar.
Please do not attend the Field Trip if you are not feeling well. Field Trip Waivers (from our website) are required for participants. Please email me a Waiver or bring a hard copy along on the day. Thank you.
A packed lunch, water, sturdy footwear, sunscreen and, depending on temperature, possibly insect repellant may be useful. A refresher on ticks can be found here. If the field trip is canceled due to poor weather, an email notice via our Guild Google Group Email will be sent by 8 pm on Saturday, October 22nd.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
I hope you are able to join us.